



When it comes to skincare and makeup, there are many ways to express them in English. Here are some common phrases and vocabulary that you can use:

– Cleansing: the act of removing dirt and impurities from your skin
– Toning: using a toner to balance the pH level of your skin
– Moisturizing: keeping your skin hydrated and soft with a moisturizer
– Sunscreen: a lotion or cream that protects your skin from UV rays
– Serum: a concentrated liquid that delivers active ingredients to your skin

– Foundation: a base product that evens out your skin tone and provides coverage
– Concealer: a product used to cover dark circles, blemishes, and other imperfections
– Eyeliner: a product used to line your eyes and make them appear more defined
– Eyeshadow: a product used to add color and dimension to your eyelids
– Lipstick: a product used to add color to your lips

There are also many different brands and types of skincare and makeup products. For example, one popular skincare brand is La Roche-Posay, which offers products for sensitive skin. Another popular brand is Glossier, which focuses on natural-looking makeup.

When talking about skincare and makeup routines, you can use phrases like I cleanse my face every morning or I like to use a serum before applying my moisturizer. You can also talk about specific products that you use, such as My favorite sunscreen is the Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Sunscreen.

In conclusion, there are many ways to express skincare and makeup in English. Whether you
e talking about cleansing, moisturizing, or using specific products, there are plenty of words and phrases to choose from. And if you
e looking for a highly recommended product, the Avene Thermal Spring Water Sleeping Mask is a great choice according to skincare experts and many satisfied customers.

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